Ontario Ferns website

Green Spleenwort
Asplenium viride
(formerly Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum)

Green Spleenwort (Asplenium viride) Other scientific names: Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum

Family: Spleenwort Family (Aspleniaceae)

Group: Spleenworts

Similar species:
  •   Maidenhair Spleenwort (Asplenium trichomanes) - has purplish-brown stalks.

  •   Smooth Woodsia (Woodsia glabella)

Fronds: Once divided

Height: 5-10 cm (2-4 in);  Very small.

Habitat: Forests;  Crevices in rocks.

Native/Non-native: Native

Status: Uncommon.

Notes: Easily mistaken for Maidenhair Spleenwort (Asplenium trichomanes).

Photographs: 66 photographs available, of which 9 are featured on this page. SCROLL DOWN FOR PHOTOGRAPHS.

Range Map is at the bottom of the page

Green Spleenwort (Asplenium viride)

A small patch growing in a shaded crevice.

Green Spleenwort (Asplenium viride)

Green Spleenwort (Asplenium viride)

Green Spleenwort (Asplenium viride)

Green Spleenwort (Asplenium viride)

Green Spleenwort (Asplenium viride)

Note the green stem - this is a distinctive feature which differentiates this fern from the very similar Maidenhair Spleenwort (Asplenium trichomanes).

Green Spleenwort (Asplenium viride)

Here's a picture of Green Spleenwort (left) and Maidenhair Spleenwort (right) growing side by side.

Green Spleenwort (Asplenium viride)

Herbarium specimen, showing roots.

(Royal Botanical Gardens Herbarium,Burlington,Ontario).

Green Spleenwort (Asplenium viride)

Another herbarium specimen, showing sori on underside of leaflets.

(Royal Botanical Gardens Herbarium,Burlington,Ontario).

Range map for Green Spleenwort (Asplenium viride)

PLEASE NOTE: A coloured Province or State means this species occurs somewhere in that Province/State.
The entire Province/State is coloured, regardless of where in that Province/State it occurs.

(Range map provided courtesy of the USDA website and is displayed here in accordance with their Policies)